Cheeseworthy Things 

Cheeseworthy Things

Have you ever heard of cheeseworthy, if you haven't i will explain. :) Have you noticed those little trolls with the hair that sticks up all over the place or that favorite polyester leisure suit that you have stuck in your closet, but drag out every so often that you just have to wear it for old time sake, you wouldn't do that! :) Anyway, when those treasure trolls aren't exactly, well...beautiful, not in God's eyes. You realize hmm....the playthings, the leisure suit also shows it's beauty in direct sunlight you realize omg. This is sooooooooooo stupid, eventhough you get a little piece of cheese whiz out of it. It was fun while it lasted. Anyway....other people probably play with it in private.....:) but not as a compulsion

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