In sorting mode 

In sorting mode

What i am trying to do now is work through sorting mode. I have tried so hard to work through my problems. I ask people am i okay? They say sure I think you are a bright person. :) Yes can be confirmed if asked to someone. Anyway, when you get inhabited to being in this little terrible world of large shadows hovering over you, you tend to break free by sorting through your thoughts and feelings. For an example, there's two things in a situation, a mountain which seems higher than you can possibly climb, and then theres a mole's hill which you can simply step over and complete your journey. So all this time, I began to think to myself, why am I the way i am? What's wronge with me? Am i sane? Am i insane? What? Is what i was thinking actually true? Then small things would happen to me, little things that seemed like total obstructions of justice. Things that weren't what they actually percieved to be or were they actually happening? :) Were they actually happening behind my back as i thought they were happening. Maybe if they were, they were for a reason. One thing that came out of the whole matter was that i actually broke free from something that had hammered at my mind for such a long time. It broke my heart and confused me at the same time. Things should not happen, but yet they do.
One thing remains true though, you should stay true to yourself, if you know what it is you want from life, things are confirmed to be true regardless of what anyone else thinks, you should try for them and not allow big mole hills break your stride.

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