moments of madness 

moments of madness

I am sorry for my stupidness :) I just had to blow off steam best to tell some more bloggers about it than just to keep it to yourself right? :( Sorry I have to be put in compromising positions. :) Madness :) Am i insane? losing my mind? :) I hope that things can change over time. Maybe computer problems will cease and desist. :) Hope for sweet dreams. Goodnight, but it seems like they have been nightmares lately.

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Comment I think that you have to follow your heart in most situations, but sometimes your heart tells you which is legit and which is not. :)

Tue May 10, 2005 4:24 pm MST by samantha

Comment thank you very much for your inspiring words :)

Tue May 10, 2005 4:21 pm MST by Samantha

Comment Hello again, Samantha. I found your blog not long ago from searching for folks from Alabama, which is where I live. I was mainly looking for people with whom I would be able to have some common references. You down, down home stuff. I have not read all your postings (over 600 I believe) but have tried to keep up with your most recent few. I guess I became interested because you seem to have some conflicts both within and with some family members and I am no stranger to either of these. I spent many years trying to resolve issues that came as baggage with my family and finding myself as an individual. Sometimes when you find yourself faced with problems, it seems that everyone has an opinion on what you should do and many times, they do expect you to follow their advice like it was gospel and if you don’t, they become insulted. The pressure can make you begin to second-guess yourself at every turn. It creates self-doubt and strips away self-confidence. I used to wonder if there wasn’t some big truth out there that was hiding from me and denying me a normal life. It eventually came to me that I had most all the answers I needed and the big truth was that I was tired of being handled like a curiosity. So basically, I told them all to just shut up and listen for a change that, of course, didn’t do much for my popularity but I did regain my independence and my sanity. Anyway, I’ve used up enough space here on your blog so I’ll close by wishing you the best of luck and sunny days ahead J -Mike

Mon May 9, 2005 8:39 am MST by Mike

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