born gifted 

born gifted

Some of us was born with the gift of voice, voice meaning voicing what you want, others were given other things, but those who have voice, those people were given a talent over the one that don't have a voice and cannot find one for themselves. People get into the train of thought where they are so deluded that they believe the world is against and revolves around them, sad to say that it doesn't there are people in this world that have those they care about and care about them eventhough they don't use their voice as they should, they have people in their life that need to take up for them. Maybe that's the problem too many people in one situation where one who doesnt see options so well can see clearly. Options. Theres options in every situation. you know you can either take this easy way out or you can take this hard way out and be free from these things that's been worrying you. I am not talking about anyone but myself incase anyone wants to know. ;)

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