nothing but dust in the wind :) 

nothing but dust in the wind :)

You know, in the beginning of time, man was created and then women were created from the men's ribs, and then God told them to take care of things around. Not because they wanted to because they were told to do it. Cain and abel were the sons of adam and eve first man and woman. Cain gave sorry gifts to God and kept the good stuff for himself, and then Abel brought his best stuff to the Lord and was blessed emensely. Cain lashed out at abel and killed him. Then Cain lived in exile from the garden of eden.
:)Being blessed doesn't neccessarily mean with gifts or money or anything. But so many times when we are depressed, and lose sight of things we realize that what things are important. It's not man or woman, nor who gets what or how much or stupid things. :) It's the fact that existance, knowing whether you can take a breath or whether you draw your last. I have thought many times about many things. i don't think that way any more. despite of my problems. I know life is tough, it's tough for everyone. My health is not good and when my mom worries, it throws me off course, she tends to say things. I get upset and angry because I can't do anything to help the situation and then i will say things i don't mean. Though some things are true.

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