NBC series sacreligious 

NBC series sacreligious

There is a new series on nbc, i couldn't watch this, sorry, the last nbc series, religious based was about noah, which clearly states in the bible there was no one left after the flood and God tells noah in the bible to warn the others about the flooding, no one listened to noah, well a few did, but most everyone else laughed at him, and were left to die in the flood. scientific proof has concluded that noah's flood really happened and noahs arc was found. Anyway, their views of the flooding in this movie had people who survived the flood after the forty days which really didn't happen, if network television wants to portray the bible, at least do it right ok? Anyway, this new revelation series is stupid, only God knows the day, the hour and the time that he's going to destroy the world, sure there have been very interesting things to happen since the apostle's visions in the bible but no one knows how it's going to happen but it will and nbc isn't going to do it LOL

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