Folk tales 

Folk tales

There have to be at least 1 billion different types of folk tales in the world more folk tales by those who live in india because of their many Gods in the hindu religion, when you go and read stories from the british and irish, you don't get too many stories, most of them are by the same characters, the same in russia. Baba yaga i spoke of this morning, i didn't like the blog entry so i deleted it, but raspution too and others, most of the characters in russian literature are dark and omnious while in eastern cultures the characters are both dark, but with a heart or tender side. In egyptian culture there are many stories passed down, written and etc. In Irish culture you have both british and scandinavian stories blended together, It seems so neat that all of them carry the same tune regardless whatever type of literature you enjoy. I like reading those of all cultures. I like roman mythology. Intersting.
Japanese Gremlins and Baba yaga would make great friends.

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