

Dont want to sound like a lunatic but I think the devil has gotten ahold of my blog site :) I think I know who they are :) I love you guys by the way. :) I think I am not angry about it it's been nice to be more open and hopefully the "man" will see to it that everything is straightened out. ;)
Thank you for those who have been so supportive of me and I am sorry that I have been such a pain in the ass. :) LIfe is supposed to be about living, not about dying from day to day, Yesterday I visited my sister in law and saw my nieces. I was thinking to myself what I have been missing out on for the last 10 yrs of my life. Life is so important, and if you sit at a stand still, nurse old wounds, and lose what humanity you had yrs ago, you tend to not see things clearly. Living is important and it's hard to do if you are too afraid to get out the damned door.

Btw this is the real samantha and plz keep me in your prayers. :) I love every single one of you who are reading.

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