

Have you ever seen that movie one would call Castaway? A man was so out of his mind and lonely to the point he talked to a soccer ball. One can be lonely in a crowd of people walking down a sidewalk in manhatten or on a bus full of people. Do you know why? no one will ever know. ;)
On a sunny day, you can be at home alone, looking out the window and tell God how lonely you are, the next thing you know someone calls you no matter whether it's a telemarketer trying to sell you something like insurance or Your aunt wanting you to change a lightbulb. You might roll your eyes because you change a dozen a week, or you can thank God you have an aunt and a telemarketer that says okay so funny bust into laughter. So what's wrong with castaway? Mindset, why is it so hard to get out of that mindset? Someone else's expertise maybe? :) A wounded animal will act awkward in a situation that's out of it's everyday norm. So how do you help that wounded animal, through love and patience. A bible is one thing, but a wounded animal don't like food crammed down it's throught (bye the way no soccer balls have been talked to in the duration) :D lol.

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Comment thank you very much for your compliments :) I hope smokey is doing ok

Wed Jun 1, 2005 7:08 am MST by samantha

Comment Loved the movie...made me cry, cry, cry... I love reading your posts, Samantha...You have a very deep thinking pattern... And very insightful... You have more than an artistic talent, but a way with your words...also... Our cat Smokey jumped down from a high place and injured her back foot... She limped for 3 weeks... During that time she was extremely shy from us, not coming for her usual carasses, and freaked out when there were sudden noises.... We had not changed, but she had...Now she is back to normal, jumping up on me for her 'pets'....It takes time.... BTW there is no wilson here either.....lol

Wed Jun 1, 2005 4:43 am MST by Karen

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