Chocolate Chip Cookies 

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Don't you just "LOVE" chocolate chip cookies? Especially the ones with white and dark chocolate chips? My father came home last night with a pack of those chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies knowing i am trying to lose weight. I forgive you dad. Anyway, I ate more than i was supposed to but i plan to make up for it today. I am going to drink tons of water and eat plenty of green stuff. I am also going to take out my yoga book and practice a little yoga, and I am going to fight like hell to get my weight off no matter if it kills me :)
I feel like it was sabatage eventhough it wasn't the devils trying to kick me in the butt. I can turn around with a back flip and kick him where it hurts the most. ha ha!
Regardless of any condition i may be i am not in bad shape and a moral person, so my heart is clean as well as mind, body, and soul. If that's the truth, why do i have to struggle for the rest of my life?

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Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:21 am MST by Lakers Tickets

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